Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Coming soon

It's October already.  Where has the year gone?

Already the shops are stocking Christmas related items and people are beginning to panic about how few weeks there are left to do everything!

Here on Pause, Ponder and Prepare we want to encourage people to look at the true story of CHRISTmas.

Details of how the blog will work can be found here.

Diane has made a great video about the purpose of this blog which features her advent journal.

Bernice has made a flip-through video of her journal.

If you are already signed up for the emails from this blog we are very pleased you are here.  Why not invite your friends to join in.   If you are visiting for the first time then scroll down to the bottom of the page and put your email address in the Follow by Email box to ensure you don't miss any of the preparatory posts or the 25 days of the study.

We are so glad you are here.
Bernice & Diane


  1. Can't wait to get started on this. Will there be a suggested supply list ahead of time? Will we start with a tutorial for how to make our book like we did in the Honour study? So excited to make this and have it on my coffee table for the Christmas season to share the story of Christ's birth with my quests as I have done with my Honour journal. Thank-you for this opportunity to create another wonderful tool for witnessing.

    1. Glad you found us Janet. There won't be a supply list as we are not telling people how to make a book. Diane & I will showing how we made our books and encouraging people to used the products they already own in whatever way suits them. There will be 3 introductory posts here giving more details of how the study and the calendar works and corresponding posts on our personal blogs.

  2. Hi Bernice and Diane, i found this website, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work and play my way to advent,
    . I have never done something linke this but I an looking forward to do to advent with my art!
    A practical question, I cannot see any picturss or the link to the flipthrough. Is iit the preference on my account?

    Have a good day,

    1. Wanda, I have reloaded the videos and hopefully you can see them now

  3. Love what you guys did! I can't wait to start.
